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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Emergency Bible no#

Your scripture's will answer your 5 W's + 1 H. Image by Interesting things.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Inspired to do right

As I sat there on the 3rd row from the front, listening to the annual conference on 6 April 2014. I sat on my own as I needed no distraction or disturbance. It came into my attention how important self-discipline is. At some point I used to sit in the middle of the chapel next to my sister, my mind would wonder around and I would only select what I hear.
Since then my sister would wake me up an hour earlier than the time I used to wake up, and guess what? yes, we will seat at the middle front row. I automatically and willingly paid attention to the speakers and the spirit made me hear and understand what was shared. This is one of the ways I stopped misbehaving, being distracted and listen with my physical ears and spiritual ears. To change one’s behaviour it only takes a desire of change and at times a sister to inspire you and pull you towards a positive direction.
Today’s blog is inspired by a talk from/by Elder Claudio D.Zivc “let’s no take the wrong way”. He shares a story or a young boy who would hide to skipped his piano lessons as soon as the piano teacher arrives, “… but one day something marrelous occurred he began to love music so much that he continued practicing on his piano”. Elder Zivc adds by saying "If we could reach that point in the process of our conversion, it would be marvelous. It would be wonderful to have a desire deep in our hearts to keep the commandments without anyone constantly reminding us and to have a firm conviction that if we follow the right path, we will have the blessings promised in the scriptures".
As I listened to this talk I repeatedly asked myself the question Elder Claudio asked himself “how often do we make mistakes about the right, letting ourselves to be led by the threads of trends of this world. He briefly shared the following:
                                         A marvelous teaching is found in the book of John:
“Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.
“I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing” (John 15:4–5).
Using this analogy, we can see the very close, transcendent relationship we have with Jesus Christ and the importance He places on each one of us. He is the root and the trunk that conducts the living water to us, the sap that will allow us to be nourished so that we can produce much fruit. Jesus Christ taught us in such a way that as branches—or beings dependent upon Him—we would never underestimate the value of His teachings.
There are some mistakes that may be serious, and if we do not correct them in time, they can permanently lead us off the right path. If we repent and accept correction, these experiences will allow us to humble ourselves, change our actions, and once again draw closer to our Heavenly Father.
I want to give an example of this concept by making reference to one of the most dramatic moments that the Prophet Joseph Smith experienced. Through this experience, the Savior has given us invaluable teachings regarding principles that we ought to keep in mind throughout our lives. It happened when Martin Harris lost the 116 translated pages of the first part of the Book of Mormon. " If any one of you reaches the point of abandoning the Lord’s way—at any point along that way—with great remorse you will feel the bitterness of having set at naught the counsels of God, of having broken the most sacred promises made before God, of having trusted in your own judgment, or of having boasted in your own wisdom".
 I felt it in me that it is important to remain in touch with our heavenly father seek for guidance never boast about your own wisdom and ask to be guided/directed to our destiny in a safe journey. That is one of the greatest things I’ve learned in this talk.

Friday, January 24, 2014

                                           A cool start
Miss Vanilla at the ice skating ring

A great way to start off 2014, as you know Judgeworry is famously known as boring broke and back to reality. While some of us started with a head of rush by cooling off with an ice-skating.

The Kwa-Thema ward  along with Benoni and Daveyton joined together to cool off with a breeze, meet and greet and welcome others to the Young Single Adult family. We spent three full hours of fun at the ice skating ring in the East rand in Kempton, catching up and dancing. While others skate as if their lives depend on it, others could not even skate to save their lives. A few bruises, splits and and singing is all the fun we needed to welcome the new year. To those who missed out ...there is no next time, but you are welcomed to join us on our next activity.*WINK*
Fun People getting ready to skate for their lives.


"Live everyday as if it were your last"

Friday, January 17, 2014


                                      Let’s recap

While some of you were couch potatoes and stinking bored, here’s a quick update of what you could’ve, would’ve or should’ve done to end your year with a bang.

The Kwa-Thema FUN YSA

We sometimes need to escape reality and get a summer cool breeze which allows us to connect with our inner person. As we headed to the tranquil mountains of Makgalisburg in KONKA, where there’s little network but peace and tranquility is the best. The minute your feet touch the ground not only can you feel, but see that our land is filled with fertility and the waters, naturally blessed with great loyalty. It brings comfort as this is the place to be. For a minute I felt like I was in a foreign country, surely others would agree with me. I kept on wondering what is behind those mountains ...and guess what; it was more bliss, peace and an obstacle course. This is why we ended up looking like that.

Two piggies after the obstacle course...

The Mountains of Makgaliburg where the sunrise and the dawn breaking. I heard a carol of song as the sky grew blue coming from a throat of the birds that are awaking. As I watched outside my window the trees branches swaying, tossing, twisting, bending the gentle breeze it reminds me of the peace bounding in the heart God’s love filled within us.

The activities were extra ordinary. My sister and I took part in every activity; I even have the scars to prove it. We went from Super models to pig models, smelly and dirty. I felt pity for the ladies with new weaves and nails done. The dance was more of a movie star night in MARVEL entertainment, from superman, zombies to witches and the pirates (me)  .The superhero vs the villains, what more can I say.
The time spent there felt short as you all know “Time fly when you have fun”. Sunday it was time to kiss and say goodbye. This Young Single Adults camp has brought many closer, shared and created new memories. This year prepare yourselves to creating new memories, laughter and fun as your JOURNEY unfolds. COMPLIMENTS TO THE NEW YEAR.
Left: Miss Licious Mlangeni, striking a pose.
Righ: Vanilla, cool as a breeze.
Bottom: Miss Helly Makhanya along with Vanilla, laughing creating new memories.

“A woman is like a tea bag – you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water.” - Eleanor Roosevelt